Case of Copy : LeekeWorld Mikhaila (2)

18th March 2011, 4h10 (french hour) :

We received a mail from Leekeworld. They asked us not to publish their mail, please ask us in private if you want more details.

Leeke’s answer wasn’t fully understandable, but here are the main elements :
– Kristin (Leeke’s Manager) informs us she isn’t a Doll Artist. She says she asked her Doll Artist about the pics we showed to her, but her Doll Artist said she didn’t copy, and she believes her. She add that her husband does not work for Leeke, and so she was the only person of Leeke Staff present on the LDoll.
– She completely understood that we wanted Leeke to put the Art Body off of sale. She asked if we care about all the staff that worked hard on the doll.
– Kristin wanted to come in France in June, she offers to come earlier, to meet us, to talk about all this case.
– Anyway, the body will be sold as planed.

18th March 2011, 5h41 (french hour) :

This is our answer to Leeke :

Dear Madam,

We are accusing the reception of your email of the 18th March 2011, at 04h10 (french hour), answering to our mail.

We note that you’re holding your positions. As for us, we did bring you all the arguments and prooves for ours opinions and positions, and we won’t give them up. If you do sale your Art Body, considering that you are a company aware of its functions and its obligations, you will take the entire responsability of what could happens.

As a confirmation of your unwilligness, it seems that a major percentage of your anwers to customers and us, are simply a copied and paste message. This kind of behavior seems to be a determined strategie for you, like a usual and customary attitude. Therefore, we will not retreat from our positions.

Finally, about your invitation to meet us if you travel to Paris (France), we will not be opposed to encount you, but only in the presence of our lawyer. Regretting one more time all of this situation tendancy.

Respectfully, Dust of Dolls




18th March 2011, 07h39 (french hour):

We received another mail from Leeke, this one didn’t let a place for an answer. One more time, we want to respect their will and so won’t display their mail.

This is a sum-up :
– If the Mikhaila is linked to a copy case, she will not find a lot of buyers. But puting her off of sale would be like accepting the copy.
– Artists will take all responsability, the whole staff says that they didn’t copy.
– Leeke is going to loose a lot of customers, but it is up to customers to make their own mind.

18th March 2011 :

In the late morning, we saw that Leekeworld modified one pic on their Making Story page.  They are now pretending that we modified the first pics.

Here is a photomontage :

19th March 2011 :

Leeke says to its customers that we are the ones who copied, and as an argument they are showing two pics of fat dolls.
We’re working on a page with all the story of Puns and our willings about this doll.



So, here we are, trying to make those informations readable by anyone, because we are not foolish, Leeke will never put a link on the Art Body’s sales redirecting to our site to let customers decide whether this is a copy issue or not.

We want to make clear that we never said we had invented the pear-shaped BJD. Never. We don’t have this kind of pretention. We are talking about a case, where two bodies are just looking very much alike. Not just in the general shape, they have the same proportions and silhouette (please, there’s not only ONE silhouette for pear-shaped bodies), and also the same kind of articulations. Which does not mean that we’re saying we do have some kind of monopoly on those kind of hips balls. Please don’t play with words.

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