LDoll Preview – Krot Ärie !

On 31 août 2012 by dust of dolls

You were so many to send us sweet comments and mails about Krot Këte that we hurry to finish, take photos and edit them, of her sister Krot Ärie!!

We worked on Ärie because Këte looked really grumpy and sad, and we wanted to give her a sister who seems happy and playful. Working on expressive faces became something important for us, because it’s always a challenge to sculpt an expressive face that does not seems static. As collectors of dolls we love those who seem as alive as possible in picture and we work hard to sculpt dolls that fit our expectations. We still have a lot of planned projects for further dolls but the Krot size is so cute that we will try to regulary do new faceplates for Krot!!

A lot of you wanted to know if we will be doing a pre-order for Krot. We can’t answer, we would love to, of course. But we will first see how the first pre-order of Lünn and Khöl works before we promise anything further!


Here are the photos of Krot Ärie, they are made without any tricks!!



14 Responses to “LDoll Preview – Krot Ärie !”

  • She is so cute! You have to make more of your dolls available. :)

    jpopdolls.net does an awesome job with artists dolls and they are still limited but available. You should call Grace.

    • Thank you Sunshinejade for your kind comment!

      We are already working with a factory, they are working on Lünn and Khöl right now, so our dolls are going to be more available very soon : )

      But we can’t tell, today, if those pre-orders are going to work and so we can’t tell you right now if and when we will do a pre-order for Krot Këte and Krot Ärie : )

  • Avec ma mère on a squeezé sur la même photo: la dernière ♥♥ Kihiiii ♥


  • Another gorgeous little pocket girl! Këte has such an adorable grumpy face, but this face is just as sweet and smiling. I hope they are offered as options, so I can get both!!! I hope with all my heart that the pre-orders work out (I will certainly be ordering Lünn and Khöl) because you really just create the most precious dolls!!

  • Nan , mais là je craque vraiment trop … Il m’en faut une il m’en faut une il m’en faut uuuuuune

  • She is super cute, can not wait to see her in resin.

  • j’suis in love … pouiffff .. J’espère honnêtement qu’elle pourra un jour rejoindre my home sweet home ^

    en tous cas : félicitations pour votre travail fabuleux
    vos créations me font rêver

  • Oh ils sont adorables!!!! C’est vraiment trop trop choupie!!!
    Elles vont être vendues à quel prix? Y en aura t-il beaucoup au Ldoll ou une quantité limitée?

  • Elle est… *.*
    La photo que je préfère est celle dans la main : ses petites mimines accrochées aux doigts donnent vraiment l’impression qu’elle est vivante. … Tu comptes commercialiser cette merveille quand ? Juste histoire de pouvoir économiser un peu ?

  • Ultra-mimi, elle est tellement mignonne qu’on aurait envie de la caliner et de l’emmener partout <3

  • I really hope you will be making a preorder of both little tiny ones. I absolutely fell in love with them and need at least one!!

    Please, please >.< Do a preorder!

  • Oh she’s absolutely adorable!! i love her so much!!!!!!!!!!

  • Elle est magnifique, je suis amoureuse !!!
    J’en VEUX une *.*

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