Lünn and Khöl’s faceups by Viridian House

On 29 septembre 2012 by dust of dolls

We received this morning our sample faceplates of Lünn and Khöl, faceuped by the talented Caroline (Viridian House)
They are so terribly cute ♥

(the wigs/eyes showed on the pics will not be those on sale during the preorders ^^)


Nous avons reçu ce matin les faceplates samples makeupées par la talentueuse Caroline (Viridian House)
Elles sont vraiment à croquer ♥

(les wigs/yeux montrés sur les photos ne seront pas ceux disponibles lors des préorders^^) 


Appi Khöl – normal skin

Appi Lünn – normal skin

Appi Khöl – white skin

Appi Lünn – white skin

3 Responses to “Lünn and Khöl’s faceups by Viridian House”

  • Hello friend, how are you??

    Friend, please, I like to buy Appi Khol – normal skin, How I do??

    You can help me??

    I look

    Thank you so much!!!!


    • Hello Alcione,

      I hope you are fine :)

      Our dolls will be for sale very soon on our main website : http://dustofdolls.com/
      Right now the website is under construction, but it will very soon be launched. The pre-order for Lünn and Khöl will begin in october, we can’t tell you exactly the date but we will tell everything here on the blog :)

      you can suscribe to the newsletter here : http://blog.dustofdolls.com/?page_id=96
      Like this you will receive an email as soon as there is some news.

      Thanks to you for your interest.

  • Oh, they’re beautiful! Tell me, how tall is the doll?

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