Who are we?

Dust of Dolls is a small ball jointed dolls company composed of two persons : Nyo and Lyly Pie. We always aim to a better quality in our work, and we hope our dolls will please you!


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About our Dolls

Our dolls are being molded in a factory, and sold with a pre-order system. We always do only one pre-order for a mold in one color. Pre-orders are always announced on this blog, and dolls are sold :
>> here <<

My deer krot

(Version française disponible en dessous de la version anglaise ♥) News about...

20th Nov

LDoll 2013 : Miki, Zouh and Cham!

Here are some pics of the fullsets we will be selling tomorrow...

04th Oct

LDoll 2013 – A Little Preview

  Hello everybody! We are glad to show you today, our new...

23rd Sep

Cham Näbi – First Pics

Being able to show you our third prototype of the year is...

14th Août

Miki Nöxe – First Pics

Today we can show you the second doll we have been working...

05th Août

Zouh Spün – First Pics

We are really glad to show you those photos today. This doll...

03rd Août

Like a big Teaser

Hi everybody! We worked really hard those past monthes to get you...

02nd Août

Second batch

We had news from Caroline, who said she finished the second batch...

20th Mai

Knock knock! Who’s There?

    Les Appi Lünn et Khöl sont maintenant presque toutes chez leurs propriétaires,...

24th Avr

News about Lünn and Khöl

Hi everyone, We finally have some news for you! The factory has...

20th Mar

Orders and shipments

Comme certains le savent peut être déjà, nous avons, depuis le début...

07th Fév

New accessories availables

Today, we were happy to be able to purpose some new clothes...

13th Déc