Who are we?

Dust of Dolls is a small ball jointed dolls company composed of two persons : Nyo and Lyly Pie. We always aim to a better quality in our work, and we hope our dolls will please you!


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About our Dolls

Our dolls are being molded in a factory, and sold with a pre-order system. We always do only one pre-order for a mold in one color. Pre-orders are always announced on this blog, and dolls are sold :
>> here <<

Dolls rendez vous in Paris

Bonsoir tout le monde ~ C’est entre deux finitions de dernière minute...

07th Déc

Ldoll Aftermath

Hi everybody!   Once again, it has been a fantastic Ldoll in...

29th Oct

LDoll stock

Hi everyone! It is hard to resist the urge to reveal the...

12th Oct

Doom Lill, Doom Bomi

Hello everyone!   Today, we are really happy to show you our...

03rd Oct

Sneak peek in the workshop: re-stringing the Krots

✪ Traduction française en fin de post✪ Hello there! As you all know,...

23rd Août

Krot pre-order: good news!

✪ Traduction française en deuxième partie de post ✪ Hello everybody! First of all,...

17th Août

News about Krot.

✪ Traduction française en deuxième partie de post ✪ Hello everybody, We have some...

16th Juin

Krot ärie and këte’s preorders.

✪ Traduction française en deuxième partie de post ✪ Here are finally some news...

22nd Fév

Happy new year 2014 ♥

♥♥ Happy New Year 2014 Everyone ♥♥ Wish you all the best...

03rd Jan

Appi Meël’s preorders

Meël! Finally on dustofdolls.com! • Preorders period : from december 20th 2013 10:00...

18th Déc

Happy Meël

Lot of you guys asked to us some news about Meël! Well...

28th Nov

Toss results

Hi everyone! The toss was made today! Congratulations to all of you,...

26th Nov